Thursday, February 14, 2013

Oryx and Crake Multiple Choice Explanations

Questions from the Oryx and Crake Passage (Pages 87-88) by Margaret Atwood

1.      The primary effect that the repetition of the word “alone” creates in the following lines: “Now I’m alone…all, all alone. Alone on a wide, wide sea” (lines 1-2) is:
a.       To portray a tone of nostalgia is not the correct answer as although the narrator is nostalgic in other parts of the passage, a tone of isolation would be more appropriate in this instance.
b.      To demonstrate the speaker’s limited vocabulary is not the correct answer as repetition is primarily used for emphasis. Also, the extent of the speaker’s vocabulary is demonstrated throughout the rest of the passage.
c.       To set up the metaphor of the “wide, wide sea” is not correct as the wide sea is not a metaphor and is unrelated to the repetition of the word “alone”.
d.      To emphasize the isolation of the speaker is the correct answer as repetition is primarily used for emphasis and the tone created by the word “alone” is one of isolation.
e.       To create a mood of relief is not the correct answer because, again, the tone of the passage is one of isolation, not relief

2.      What is the implication of the statement: “He feels the need to hear a human voice—a fully human voice” (lines 5-6)?
a.       The speaker cannot hear; he is deaf is not the correct answer because later in the passage, there is evidence that the speaker is, in fact, able to hear.
b.      The surrounding noise is so loud that no human voices can be heard is not the correct answer because there is no evidence to suggest that any competing noises can be heard. In fact, the repetition of the word “alone” makes it clear that the speaker would not be hearing any alternative noise.
c.       The speaker is somehow cut off from any other humans is the correct answer based on the context of the passage as well as the inclusion of the “fully human” implies that the only contact the speaker has is with people who are not “fully human” and that he has not heard a real human voice for some time.
d.      That those without the ability to express themselves are not fully human is not the correct answer as there is no mention of an ability for expression.
e.       The speaker is not worthy to speak to other humans is not the correct answer because there is no mention of worth in the passage and based on the isolation of the speaker, there would not have been anyone for him to be unworthy of.

3.      The italicized dialogue in lines (40-41) “Oh, nice abs!... Honey, just lie back” acts as which of the following literary devices?
a.       Metaphor is not correct as no comparison is made.
b.      Synesthesia is not correct as no reference to different senses is made.
c.       Simile is not correct as no comparison is made.
d.      Personification is not correct as no object is given human characteristics.
e.       Flashback is correct as the text in italics alludes to another time in the speaker’s life and is clearly not part of the speaker’s present life.

4.      The imagery in lines 46-54 serves primarily to:
a.       Describe what the speaker sees on the ocean is not correct as the allusion immediately prior to this imagery is to the delusions of saints, therefore implying that the imagery applies to the speaker’s own delusions.
b.      Show that something which seems harmless may prove to be quite dangerous is the correct answer as the imagery begins with the use of diction with positive connotations in the exterior descriptions of the mermaids and then changes to more negative diction when speaking of their behaviors.
c.       Explain the legend of mermaids is not the correct answer because no mention of mermaid myths is present.
d.      Demonstrate the vividness of the speaker’s illusions because of too much exposure to sunlight is not the correct answer because although this passage does show the speaker’s delusions, there is no mention of the sun or its effects.
e.       Show the importance of this memory as the speaker can recall every detail so clearly is not the correct answer as the memories are indicated by italics in this passage and the speaker says “pretty soon I’ll being seeing…”

5.      The quote “The sea is hot metal” (line 62) is an example of:
a.       Alliteration is not the correct answer as several words do not start with the same sounds.
b.      Apostrophe is not the correct answer as no unseen person or object is addressed. Instead a description is given.
c.       Flashback is not the correct answer because the speaker’s memories are seen in italics and this statement is in present tense.
d.      Internal thought is not the correct answer as there is no emotion or opinion present in this statement, there is merely an observation of the speaker’s surroundings.
e.       Metaphor is the correct answer as this statement is a comparison between the sea and hot metal without the use of the words like or as.

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